If you are deciding between financing a car through a loan or leasing, it’s important to understand the main differences and benefits of each option to determine which best fits your needs.

Leasing a Car


  1. Lower Monthly Payments: Leasing can often result in monthly payments that are lower when compared to financing because you’re essentially paying for the vehicle’s depreciation over the lease term, rather than the original purchase price in full. 
  2. Latest Models: Leasing allows you to drive a new car every few years, ensuring you always have the latest safety features, technologies, and advancements.
  3. Warranty Coverage: Most leased cars remain under warranty for the duration of the lease, covering many repair costs that may occur.
  4. Tax Benefits: A financial benefit that may occur is if you use your leased car for business, you might be able to deduct the lease payments from your taxes.


  1. No Ownership: At the end of the lease, you don’t own the car and have no equity in it.
  2. Mileage Limits: Leases come with mileage limits (usually between 10,000 to 15,000 miles per year). Exceeding these limits can result in hefty fees. In the case of driving large distances for work or other reasons, leasing may not be the best option. 
  3. Wear and Tear: You’ll be responsible for any excessive wear and tear, which could result in additional charges. So, maintaining your leased vehicle is a must in this scenario. 
  4. Higher Insurance Requirements: Lease agreements often require higher levels of insurance coverage.

Financing a Car


  1. Ownership: Once you finish paying off your loan, you own the car outright and can keep it for as long as you like.
  2. No Mileage Restrictions: Unlike leases, financing doesn’t come with mileage limits, allowing you to drive as much as you want without penalty.
  3. Modification Freedom: You can modify your car as you please when you own it.
  4. Equity: Over time, as you pay down the loan, you build equity in the car, which can be used as a trade-in value for your next vehicle.


  1. Higher Monthly Payments: Financing typically results in higher monthly payments compared to leasing.
  2. Maintenance Costs: As the car ages, it may require more maintenance and repairs, which you will be responsible for once the warranty expires.
  3. Depreciation: The car’s value depreciates over time, and you might owe more than the car is worth if you sell it before the loan is paid off.


  • Down Payments: Leasing usually requires a lower down payment compared to financing, but this can be negotiated in both scenarios. Larger down payments on a vehicle results in lower monthly payments. 
  • Credit Requirements: Both leasing and financing require good credit scores for the best rates. Leasing might have stricter credit requirements due to the lower down payments involved. However, if monthly payments are paid on time this can result in a boost to your credit score. 

Ultimately, the decision between leasing and financing comes down to your personal preferences, driving habits, and financial situation. Leasing might be more suitable if you prefer driving new cars every few years and want lower monthly payments, while financing is better for those who drive a lot, want to modify their vehicle, and plan to keep their car for a longer period.